
Winter Semester 2020/2021

20-00-0807-se Privacy Protection in a pervasively networked WorldSeminarEN/DEWaidner / Simo

Summer Semester 2020

20-00-0219-iv IT SecurityLectureDEWaidner / Shulman
20-00-0793-iv User-Centered Design in Visual ComputingLectureDEKohlhammer
20-00-0969 Protection in Networked SystemsLectureDEMühlhäuser
20-00-1018-pr Cybersecurity LabLab/ Pratical CourseEN/DEWaidner / Shulman
20-00-0418-pr Internship Visual ComputingLab/ Pratical CourseDEKohlhammer
20-00-0807-se Privacy Protection in a pervasively networked WorldSeminarEN/DEWaidner / Shulman / Simo
20-00-0268-se Visual Analytics: Interactive Visualization of Very Large Data SetsSeminarEN/DEKohlhammer

Winter Semester 2019/2020

20-00-0018-iv Computer System SecurityLectureDEWaidner / Shulman
20-00-0294-iv Information Visualization and Visual AnalyticsLectureDEKohlhammer
20-00-0756-se Cyber Security SeminarSeminarEN/DEWaidner / Shulman
20-00-0807-se Privacy Protection in a pervasively networked WorldSeminarEN/DEWaidner / Shulman / Simo
20-00-0767-pl Information Visualization and Visual AnalyticsLab/ Pratical CourseEN/DEKohlhammer

Summer Semester 2019

20-00-0219-iv IT SecurityLectureDEWaidner / Shulman
20-00-1018-pr Cybersecurity LabLab/Pratical courseEN/DEWaidner / Shulman
20-00-0807-se Privacy Protection in a pervasively networked WorldSeminarEN/DEWaidner / Shulman / Simo
20-00-0268-se Visual Analytics: Interactive Visualization of Very Large Data SetsSeminarEN/DEKohlhammer

Bachelor / Master Theses

We are always looking for enthusiastic students willing to work on topics for a Bachelor, Master or even PhD Thesis within the context of our research projects. However, we are also open for students’ own proposals.

More details on theses at Dr. Haya Shulman’s research division at Fraunhofer SIT: Here

More details on theses at Prof. Dr. Max Mühlhäuser chair at TU Darmstadt: Here

More details on theses at Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörn Kohlhammer’s research division at Fraunhofer IGD: tba